"Ragazzi siete i migliori. Il prodotto è ottimo. Grazie"
Diamond dry bit for milling, enlarging, shaping, countersinking on existing holes in: tile (ceramic, gres, etc.), hard stone (granite, marble, etc.), artifical stone (Okite®, Silestone®, etc.).
Use on other masonry materials is possible, but will reduce tool life. It can also be used to create lateral semicircular recesses (for cables, pipes, etc.).
Do not use for drilling.
For use with angle grinders (direct connection) or electric drills (with adaptor).
Max 14000 RPM.
Water cooling can extend tool life.
Before use, read all warnings in machine manual.
Remember that the tool you are using is not a drill bit. This means that attempting to bore holes perfectly perpendicular to the work surface on a frequent basis will drastically reduce the life of your hole saw.
Using water as a cooling agent may help extend the life of the hole saw.
The percussion/hammer action mode must be turned off when using these hole saws.
Delivery time: 1-2 working day
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552-535CS |
€ 58,46 |
552-570CS |
€ 118,57 |
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"Ragazzi siete i migliori. Il prodotto è ottimo. Grazie"
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Made in Italy
Mobiltecnica S.r.l.
VAT ID 02752210415
Via G. Palatucci, 2 61029 Trasanni di Urbino (PU)
Tel. +39 339 1696947