Saw blades
"I recently purchased 3 table saw blades. the description of the articles was right, price was good and the range of products very satisfying."
Délai de livraison : 3 jours ouvrables
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évaluations moyenne des clients du site
(1 commento)
D Diamètre |
I Hauteur de coupe |
S Diamètre de la queue |
L Longueur totale |
Z Nombre de tranchants |
Code Code |
Disp. Disp. |
prix prix |
Compare Compare |
Wish list Wish list |
Quantité Quantité |
5 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.050.11 |
€ 17,53 |
5 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.050.12 |
€ 17,53 |
6 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.060.11 |
€ 18,17 |
6 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.060.12 |
€ 18,17 |
7 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.070.11 | € 19,51 |
7 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.070.12 |
€ 19,51 |
8 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.080.11 |
€ 19,51 |
8 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.080.12 |
€ 19,51 |
10 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.100.11 |
€ 21,09 |
10 | 18 | 10x34 | 57,5 | 2+2 | 361.100.12 |
€ 21,09 |
Articles |
![]() VIS M5x10 UNI-4766 |
![]() VIS TCD8 M5X11.5X17 POUR WEEKE |
361.050.11 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.050.12 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.060.11 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.060.12 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.070.11 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.070.12 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.080.11 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.080.12 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.100.11 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
361.100.12 | 990.003.00 | 990.088.00 |
Good Quality
Does what its supposed to do
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Lire plus évaluationsSaw blades
"I recently purchased 3 table saw blades. the description of the articles was right, price was good and the range of products very satisfying."
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Mobiltecnica S.r.l.
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Tel. +39 339 1696947