Livraison h24
"Site sérieux livraison en dhl expresse en 24h."
This digital angle finder is a multi-functional tool for many measuring applications. Easy to operate the base unit carries the electronics giving a very clear detailed LCD display as well as a pair of levelling vials and a pivoting measuring arm. When the arm is extended the angle it makes with the base is indicated clearly on digital read-out to the nearest 0,05°. The measuring range is 0 - 360°. The vials allow variations from the vertical and the horizontal to be accurately measured. Other features include a lock function to prevent the last measurement being lost, a low battery indicator and automatic shut off function. Being robust but light in weight this is a very well thought out tool with a lot of uses. Instructions included.
-Battery voltage/type: 3 volt, litio, 2000 hours.
-Dimensions: 260x50x25/37mm (10-1/4" x 2" x 1").
-Range: ±0-360°.
-Resolution: 0.05°.
Delivery time: 3 working days
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265x50x25 | DAF-001-1 |
€ 64,04 |
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"Site sérieux livraison en dhl expresse en 24h."
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